Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It's the Little Things that Matter

I've been waiting for inspiration about something to write about, when it dawned on me that I should write about the little things that matter .

First off, I appreciate a polite person on the phone.  I've also discovered the secret to speaking with insurance people that just makes them melt in your hand like butter.  Here's the secret.  When they answer your call and state their name, write it down.  Then call them by name through-out your conversation, and especially as you are ending the call.  People love that.  Give it a try.

My next little piece of advice is to smile at people when they flip you off while driving.  It drives them nuts.  Once I rolled down my window and yelled, "Have a great day."  It really made Mr. Crazy Driver irritated.  I loved it.

When checking out at Wal-mart or wherever, help your checker out.  I open the bags as the checker spins the bag thing around.  They really appreciate it, and it makes you feel good inside.  If your lucky, the checker may smile at you as a bonus:)

Don't feel guilty about taking a short nap once in awhile.  It's taken me years to figure this out.  But moms, you deserve a break.  So what if the dishes aren't done, or the laundry isn't folded.  It will be there 15 minutes later, and you will feel refreshed and ready to go.

Just recently, I have discovered this little matter.  Don't talk to your husband when he is in his recliner.  Chances are he is in the zone, or sound asleep and won't hear a word you say.  I had an entire conversation with Larry today, and after talking for 10 minutes discovered he was asleep under those glasses of his.  I knew this when I threw in the statement, "and the pink elephants threw up."  He didn't even blink!  No more one way conversations. He is going to have to be standing up on two feet, with his eyes fully open.

Size does matter!  Wouldn't you rather have a large drink than a small one?  Or a super ice cream cone, instead of the kid's cone in a cup?  Well, I would rather have a little meat on my man than no meat at all.  Larry has decided to become a marathon runner.  That's great, but he has now shrunk to the size of a gremlin, and I feel like his mother next to him!  I never realized how much I loved those love handles!  I don't know what to do about this matter.  I can't run because of my knees, but I am going to have to do something in order to be with the incredible shrinking man.  Don't you just hate it when someone gets all healthy on you?

Always put fun and family first.  I wish I had taken more time to enjoy my kids when they were little.  Now I get to enjoy my grandchildren, and it is the absolute best thing in the world.  So you young moms....enjoy the moments.  They grow up and leave before you know it. Although, we have one that kind of left, and has came back!  Lots more memories to make with him:)  Speaking of which, one of the funnest things Jon and I do, when we are alone and bored is to put on Phantom of the Opera and sing and act out the play!  It's hysterical to see my 6'7" son, standing on the stair way singing the Phantom's songs to me.  Awesome!  I know, you all think that is weird...but try it.  It's fun.  As a little girl I would stand on the footstool and sing along with my parents country records.  In fact, my sisters fought with me about whose turn it was to be on the footstool.

Lastly, what ever happened to getting those big catalogs in the mail from Penney's and Montgomery Wards?  We would sit for hours and cut things out of the catalogs.  Then we used them as paper dolls.  Well, I am way off message now.  I think I've taken a tour down memory lane.  But my point today is that little things matter.  It can be a smile, a wave, a kind deed, or silliness.  But it all matters.


  1. Oh Mom, you are brilliant!! I love your sense of humor and that you wrote on the significance of the little things. Great blog:)
